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==Module Information==
===Module Objectives===
*How to implement a cloud based storage solution for a company's big data needs
*The knowledge needed to integrate desktop and web applications to utilize web services and stored data.
*How cloud based DNS solutions can help to optimize a company's IT infrastructure
*How cloud based servers and service implementations can be easily deployed for rapid utilisation
*The steps involved in data exchange between web services and cloud based applications
===Resources - References===
*Programming Amazon EC2, Juirg van Vliet 1st 2011 O’Reilly
*Google Compute Engine, Marc Cohen 1st 2011 O’Reilly
*Python for Google App Engine, Massimiliano Pippi 1st 2015 Packet
*Big Data Fundamentals Concepts, Drivers & Techniques, Thomas Erl, Wajid Khattak, and Paul Buhler, Prentice Hall
==Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)==
*A service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a style of software design where services are provided to the other components by application components, through a communication protocol over a network.
*A service is a discrete unit of functionality that can be accessed remotely and acted upon and updated independently, such as retrieving a credit card statement online.
*SOA provides access to reusable Web services over a TCP/IP network,
==Web service==
*A software component stored on one computer that can be accessed via method calls by an application (or other software component) on another computer over a network
*Web services communicate using such technologies as:
**'''Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP):''' An XML-based protocol that allows web services and clients to communicate in a platform-independent manner
'''Basic concepts:'''
*'''Remote machine or server:''' The computer on which a web service resides
*'''A client application''' that accesses a web service sends a method call over a network to the remote machine, which processes the call and returns a response over the network to the application
*'''Publishing (deploying) a web service:''' Making a web service available to receive client requests.
*'''Consuming a web service:''' Using a web service from a client application.
*In Java, a web service is implemented as a class that resides on a server.
'''An application that consumes a web service (client) consists needs:'''
*An object of a '''''proxy class''''' for interacting with the web service.
*The ''proxy object'' handles the details of communicating with the web service on the client's behalf
*The Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) is a Java programming language API for creating web services, particularly SOAP services. JAX-WS is one of the Java XML programming APIs. It is part of the Java EE platform.
**Requests to and responses from web services are typically transmitted via SOAP.
**Any client capable of generating and processing SOAP messages can interact with a web service, regardless of the language in which the web service is written.
===Creating - Publishing - Testing and Describing a Web Service using NetBeans===
*In Netbeans, you focus on the logic of the web service and let the IDE handle the web service’s infrastructure
*'''Example: HugeInteger web service:'''
**Provide methods that take two “huge integers” (represented as Strings)
**Can determine their sum, their difference, which is larger, which is smaller or whether the two numbers are equal
====Create a Web Service - Locally====
* We first need to to do some configuration in NetBeans:
** Go to /home/hduser/netbeans-8.2/etc/netbeans.conf:
*** Find the line: ''netbeans_default_options''
*** If ''-J-Djavax.xml.accessExternalSchema=all'' is not between the quotes then paste it in.
* If you are deploying to the ''GlassFish'' Server you need to modify the configuration file of the ''GlassFish'' Server (''domain.xml''):
** /home/hduser/glassfish-4.1.1/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml
*** Find : <java-config
*** Check the jvm-options for the following configuration
*** '''''<jvm-options>-Djavax.xml.accessExternalSchema=all</jvm-options>'''''
*** It should be there by default, if not paste it in, save file and exit
*** You can now start Netbeans IDE
* '''Create a Web Service in NetBeans:'''
** Choose File > New Project
** Select Web Application from the Java Web category
==Consuming a Web Service in Java using NetBeans IDE==
Netbeans 6.5 - 9 and Java EE enable programmers to "publish (deploy)" and/or "consume (client request)" web services
This document provides step-by-step instructions to consume a web service in Java using NetBeans IDE.
In the project, we will invoke a sorting web service through its WSDL link: http://vhost3.cs.rit.edu/SortServ/Service.svc?singleWsdl
* '''Step 1 - Createa JavaProject:'''
** We are going to name it: SortClient
* '''Step 2 - Generate a Web Service Client:'''
** After the Java Project has been created, go to the Project Tree Structure, Right click on Project and select New and then choose Web Service Client.
** Specify the WSDL URL as: http://vhost3.cs.rit.edu/SortServ/Service.svc?singleWsdl
** Click Finish
* '''Step 3 - Invoke the Service:'''
** Expand the Web Service References until you see the operation lists. Drag the operation you want to invoke to the source code window, such as "GetKey". A piece of code is automatically generated to invoke that operation.
** Drag MergeSort to the source code window and the corresponding code is automatically generated,too.
** In the main function, add the code to call the two functions: getKey() and mergeSort();As it is a call to a remote service, RemoteException needs to be listed in the throws cause

Latest revision as of 15:54, 11 September 2024